- Live webcasts: Listen to TMC church services, audio chats, and special event webcasts from the Mother Church, Christian Science Publishing Society, and Mary Baker Eddy Library. Online services and events – Christian Science
Access all current C.S. Lectures with this link: Find a lecture
Sunday Church services and Sunday School are held at 1390 Pearl St, Eugene, at 10 AM. Childcare is available. As of March 12th, there is no longer a state mask mandate for public indoor spaces, and masks will be optional in church after that time.
Wednesday testimony meetings are held at 7 p.m. on site at church, at 1390 Pearl St, Eugene. Testimonies are given in person or emailed to the clerk at cschurcheugene@gmail.com.
Reading Room
The Christian Science Reading Room at 1135 Willamette St., Eugene, OR is open M-F from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. You may also call 541-344-6341 to order items, to ask questions, or to hear the latest hours on its answering machine!
Or email: readingroomeugene@gmail.com
Thursdays @ 12:00 noon: The weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson is read and discussed in person at 1135 Willamette St. Come to share and learn together! Let the clerk know if you wish to be included with a zoom link.
The Monthly Full Text Quarterlies are for sale in the Reading Room. Call to reserve your copy.
“Loyal Christian Scientists, be of good cheer: the night is far spent, the day dawns; God’s universal kingdom will appear, Love will reign in every heart, and His will be done on earth as in heaven.” MBE (Mis. 213:27)